Anonymous Ancestors


We visited SMK N 1 Mas Pejeng, Ubud on December 4th 2018 and had about 40 students involved in our education program.

The artist uses the Cyanotype techniques as a photographic printing process that produces a cyan-blue print. First, we asked the students to look for the dried leaves/branched/flowers. Then they arrange the objects on a special paper that has been sensitized by the cyanotype chemicals. Next, we had put the paper and objects on a tray and glass above (the same size as a tray) and exposed them under the sun. In the last step, the students take out the objects and developed the paper in water. The print is then hung to be air dried.

At the end of the program, we asked students to write their impression about Tumpek Uduh and their hope for the environment.

Ketemu Tumpek Uduh also tried to utilize the current’s social media trend to spread out the environmental messages through an Instagram photo competition, where high school students to take pictures of their collaborative artwork with Budi Agung and compete for their photos and stories or caption behind it.

By using the power of social media, we would like to encourage the students to share the values and local traditions that need to be preserved by the younger generation with their own language and interpretation, without reducing the fundamental values.