Joanne Ting-Yu Hsu

Workshop Facilitator


9 - 23 August 2023

Joanne Ting-Yu Hsu, is a workshop designer and facilitator based in Taichung, Taiwan. Her passion lies in fostering diverse dialogues in her community. With an interdisciplinary background in design and physics and extensive international experience, she brings a fresh perspective to innovative community building. By fostering a safe space for vulnerability, her workshops empower participants to explore topics outside their comfort zones.

As a workshop facilitator and community studio owner in Taiwan, she is passionate about exploring different cultures and practices of community-building. Ketemu Project Space has captured her attention as it offers a unique opportunity to experience Bali’s diverse and sophisticated cultures while providing an inclusive and socially conscious environment for its community. Through this residency, she hopes to integrate practices of Balinese culture into my work, ultimately fostering open dialogues through a cross-cultural facilitation style.

During the residency, her primary objective is to research distinctive community-building cultures in Bali. In return, she aim to facilitate a multi-day workshop for the local community by integrating both Balinese and Taiwanese facilitation practices. In the first week of the residency, she immersed herself in Bali’s culture by engaging with local community members, attending local events, and experiencing various Balinese traditions. In the second week of her residency, she conducted a three-day workshop for a diverse group of children community. She aims to integrate her research findings about Balinese cultures with her Taiwanese facilitation style to create a cross-cultural workshop.