Established by Budi Agung Kuswara (Kabul), artists of Ketemu Project, the Schizofriends Art Movement harnesses both open-ended tasks and designed experiences as a form of collective empowerment for persons living with schizophrenia.
The movement begun as a collaboration between Kabul and psychiatrist Dr Gst Rai Putra Wiguna sp.KJ, supported by a grant from the Mabesikan: Art for Social Change Project initiated by Search for Common Ground. Through a series of creative workshops held at Ketemu Project Space the participants were provided opportunities for expression and activities for them to develop a more vital relationship with reality.
The workshops also enabled the community vocationally by providing skills for them to work and live more independently. We try to provide psycho-social rehabilitation through art and psycho-education for the public.
After a series of public campaigns, Rumah Berdaya, a psychosocial rehabilitation centre was founded in 2016 with the support of the local government. This flagship creative space for people living with schizophrenia is now independently run by a team of psychiatrists and the members of Komunitas Peduli Skizofrenia Indonesia (KPSI) Bali.